Industry-Leading Remote CCTV
Monitoring Services in Los Angeles

Keep a professional set of eyes on your building’s compromisable areas, always on the lookout to detect suspicious activity.

Keeping your property secure from intruders

Setting up a superb CCTV system, alone, isn’t enough. You also need to monitor your cameras to keep vulnerabilities away. However, we know not everyone can afford to have an in-house security monitoring department. That’s where FDS comes into play!

Remote CCTV Monitoring Los Angeles

What We Offer


Video Surveillance
& Monitoring

Our expert surveillance team keeps an eagle’s eye on every nitty-gritty detail of compromisable spots in your building. They know all the technicalities of detecting even the slightest hints of vulnerabilities.


Instant Reporting
& Action

Whenever we detect suspicious activity, we take steps to ensure your property’s safety in an instant. Intruders won’t get a chance to react! Plus, we prepare timely reports of each event for future reference.


Top-Rated Quality

We monitor our surveillance centers to ensure they’re always working at their peak capability. At FDS, nobody slacks when it comes to the security of our customers.


Quality Checks &

We routinely check your entire CCTV infrastructure to ensure everything’s running as expected. When an anomaly is detected, we take quick actions to resolve the issue.

Why First Digital Surveillance?

15 Years of Experience

Our surveillance team has more than 15 years of experience in keeping properties secure through their top-tier skills. We never compromise on your security.

Accessible to Everyone

Our remote video surveillance services are a perfect replacement for in-house monitoring departments. You can get the same job done at a fraction of the cost.

Peace of Mind

Being one of the best remote CCTV monitoring services in Los Angeles, we offer the best quality services in the market. Ultimately, we ensure you have peace of mind thinking your valuables are secure.